Behavioural Experiments

Noticing and challenging the unhelpful thoughts that you have before you procrastinate can help you to overcome procrastination. This can be done using behavioural experiments which we have learnt in previous sessions. Here is an example of how Elise was able to break her procrastination over writing literature essays. Have a look, then design your own behavioural experiments to challenge your predictions that are leading you to procrastinate. 

1) Perfectionist thought:
I will never be able to write an excellent essay
2) My general prediction:
If I write anything and submit it, my teacher will think that I’m stupid
3) My prediction in detail (e.g. specific behaviours; rate how strongly your beliefs and feelings are from 0 to 10):
I will write something poor (9/10). The teacher will say that I have not put any effort into it and that I do not write clearly. I will feel anxious (8/10) and sad (9/10).
4) Experiment:
Instead of not doing the essay at all, I’ll write two paragraphs every day even though I may not find it perfect.
5) Results:
The essay turned out to be good (I scored 70/100) and I actually felt happy about submitting it on time (8/10). My teachers did not say that I did not put any effort into it or that I did not write clearly.
6) What I've learnt:
I was able to break my procrastination about writing by doing a small amount ever day and I feel confident enough to keep going now.
5) My new belief (rate how strongly your beliefs and feelings are from 0 to 10):
I am finding it very difficult to write essays but it is not true that I will never be able to write it as I have started, and with small goals, I might produce a good essay.

Now’s your turn:

(Try doing 3 or more of these to break the pattern of your procrastination)

1) Perfectionist thought:
2) My general prediction:
3) My prediction in detail (e.g. specific behaviours; rate how strongly are your beliefs and feelings from 0-10):
4) Experiment:
5) Results:
6) What I've learnt:
5) My new belief (e.g. specific behaviours; rate how strongly are your beliefs and feelings from 0-10):